

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Day 9 (7/27/19)

Jared and I were up around 6:30. Eli had a hard time getting to sleep last night because of some scary monster picture in one of his garfield books. He felt like the creepy monster was under his cot. He held my hand for a long time before falling asleep. Grandma came over to visit while we waited for the coffee. I finished a dishcloth that I had started last year.  Eli, Adam, and I rode bike to the dock so we could look for the loons. We saw one in the bushes close to the dock but it swam away quickly and was met by another. We walked over to the fort to watch Battery D firing the cannon. Wyatt is not a fan of the cannon's. After breakfast we took a walk around the campground. We played a game of 3-13 and Jacob won. Adam went in the tent to read. At 10:30 we went to the fort to watch Dr Bandit's amputation. I played the part of the mother again this year. This afternoon we went to town to visit Dennis and Leslie. Grandma and Grandpa were there too. The boys walked to the gas station for pops. Eli fell asleep on the deck using Wyatt as a pillow. Back at camp we took a walk and then it was time to get dinner ready. After dinner Daddy read to us. We took a walk around the campground and over to Pebble beach. On the trail by the beach we found a bunch of blueberries. Grandma and Grandpa came over to sit by the fire and made we smore's. Eli was riding his bike and took a fall. He got a couple scrapes. Got to bed around 10:30. 

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