

Thursday, July 18, 2019


We left after the boys finished working with their sheep to go shopping.  Had to get some last minute things for our camping trip.  Then we went to the library for books and dvd's.  At home we went swimming.  Then Jacob and Adam helped me clean the big sheep stall.  It took a little over an hour and it was a lot of hard work.  I sure was glad to have their help.  Adam puked once and gagged many more times because of the smell.  But he kept working.  He wanted to make some extra cash to take camping.  Jacob was dripping sweat.  We went swimming again after the job was done.  This evening I packed suitcases.  Adam and Eli went swimming.  Then Eli helped me wash the bikes and Jared loaded them.  Jared got everything all set for the animals.   He drove down to Jim's house to tell him we were leaving and asked him to look in on the animals as well.  Megan is taking care of the animals while we are gone.  Jared mowed the path in the woods and got the trailer hooked up and ready to go.  The boys helped me pack the van.  Adam and Eli are sleeping on the couch tonight.  They plan on staying up all night but Eli was asleep pretty quickly.  We are all excited!!

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Cute pictures, but I miss my Adam's smile in that one picture. He alway has such a great smile!