

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Day 12 (7/30/19)

We were up just before 7am. Jared and I played a game of 3-13 and he won by 1 point!  Then Grandma joined us for another game and she won. After breakfast we took a walk and the boys rode bikes. Then we sat around and listened to Daddy read. We are now on book 3 of the trilogy. Daddy's also been reading to us after getting into bed each night.  After lunch Daddy headed to Dennis’s house to help him mix glazes. Jacob and I took a walk and the other boys rode bikes. Then Jacob and I played a game of 3-13 and he won. Eli and I played several games of uno. Then we all played dice. Adam and I tied for the win. The boys rode into town to get us pops. Grandma brought Eli a bag of skittles. He said, “now you're like miss Connie.”  Eli and I played some more uno games. Then Adam and I relaxed in our hammocks. Waytt came in my hammock with me. We took a walk over to Pebble beach. We walked the trail to look for blueberries. Daddy met us on the trail and scared Adam coming up behind him. We found some blueberries to give to Grandpa. After dinner Daddy read to us. We took a walk around the campground. The boys rode bikes and Eli was on his scooter. Then Eli and Adam played a long time with bungie cords and scooters. They played until it was too dark to ride scooters. Grandma, Grandpa, Jared and I played a game of 3-13 and I won. Jacob got a fire going. Grandma showed us how to light our crummy matches and she made it look easy. We kept lighting matches and I thought we probably looked funny to some people.  Sitting in our screen tent lighting match after match. Haha.  Jacob and I took a walk and found Adam and Eli. We came up behind them to scare them. There was a deer by Lake Fanny Hooe and we followed it. It let us get pretty close. Adam says it's his deer friend and he's gotten close many times. We got to bed around 10:30. 

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