

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Day 7 (7/25/19)

We were up around 6:30. Grandma came over to visit while we waited for the coffee. Soon Adam was awake and we played a game of 3-13. The other two boys woke up during the game. I won. After breakfast we took a walk with Jacob. Eli rode his scooter. Adam stayed and read a book in his hammock. We noticed campers about to leave with a nice pile of wood. Eli sat in the site next to them while we rode our bikes and waited for the wood. Daddy, Adam, and Eli took a bike ride over to the east campground to look for wood but they didn't find any. Jacob, Jared, and I played 3-13 with Grandma and Grandpa.  Jared won (again). Grandma stayed under 300 this time. Haha. After lunch we headed into town to visit Leslie. Then we went to Great Sand bay.  I read as we drove again today. We spent a little time there and then went to Eagle river. The water was cool and refreshing. We brought Wyatt's pop up kennel so after his swim we put him in there.   I pushed Eli around on the big piece of drift wood. Then Jared and I pushed around all three boys. We got back to camp around 5:30. Daddy read us another chapter in the book before dinner. Jacob and Adam took a bike ride into town and went to the store. After dinner we went for a walk. Jacob walked with us and the other two boys rode scooters. Daddy read to us and finished the first book in the trilogy. Then Grandma, Grandpa, Jacob, Jared, and I played a game of 3-13. I pull ahead for the win in the A’s round. Jacob, Adam, and I took a walk and Jared started a fire. We were in bed around 10:30

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