

Tuesday, April 30, 2019


Jared found Jacob's kitty as he headed to work this morning.  She was on Stark Rd and had been hit by a car.  We decided to wait until after school to tell the boys.  When Daddy said that one of the cats had been hit by a car Jacob right away said, "It was Clair, wasn't it?"  He noticed she wasn't around when he got home from school.  We are all so sad.  Adam said Jacob could have Steve which had been Adam's cat but Adam also has Puffel.  Jacob was happy about that.  Eli had soccer practice this evening.  It was cold and raining.  He had Daddy call me to get him so hot chocolate ready and I told him he could have some warm spaghettios.

Monday, April 29, 2019


I spent hours this evening going through a huge pile from our bedroom move.  Jared took Adam to soccer practice this evening.

Sunday, April 28, 2019


We hung shelves back up and worked for hours on the rooms today.  Jacob picked out a new color for his bedroom and helped us paint it this evening.  

Saturday, April 27, 2019


Our bedroom

 Adam and Eli's room

 Jacob's room

Eli had soccer pictures 9:45 and his game started at 10:30.  It was cold and windy.  The boys liked sitting in the sport brella because it blocked the wind.  Eli's team won.  We went home and ate lunch quick.  Adam had pictures before his 2:00 game.  Adam's team lost 3-2.  Our goalie bumped the ball in so we scored one for them.  This afternoon we started changing around rooms in the house.  We emptied all three rooms and closets and repainted our bedroom which was the boys room.  Now Jacob is in the office and Adam and Eli are in our old room.  Jacob is very excited to have his own room.  We put the last coat of paint on at around 1am.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Took the day off work today to go to garage sales with Mom and Vikki.  Called Melissa to sing Happy Birthday to her.  We also got to see her at the garage sales.  We found some great deals and had a lot of fun!

Wednesday, April 24, 2019


I went into work early today and skipped my break because I wanted to leave early so that I had enough time to get to the Dow diamond.  Jacob and his 8th grade band are playing the national anthem at the game today.  I got Adam and Eli out a little early so they could come to the game with me.  We all had a great time.  Got to the school around 5:30 to pick up Jacob before heading home.  Jared got home this evening around 9pm.  We are so happy to have him home!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


This evening Eli had soccer practice at the park.  We stopped at Dunhams to get Jacob and Eli a soccer ball.  It was very windy today.  Eli's practice went until 7:15.  Adam and Jacob had fun kicking around their soccer balls.  Jacob had to climb the fence because his ball went into the closed baseball field.  I brought Wyatt and we walked the paved path.  Adam took Wyatt down some slides and he actually acted liked he liked it.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Jared left around 4am for Chicago.  After work I went home and soon had to head back to school to get the boys.  Adam went to the barn to check on our turkeys and one had died and another didn't look good.  Soon it was dead too.  This evening Adam had soccer practice.  His practice is at a park so we took Wyatt.  We stopped at Dunham's to get Adam a soccer ball.  Jacob played the scrimmage and his team won.  Stopped at 7 eleven for drinks on way home.  Daddy face timed us so we could see his hotel room.