

Friday, July 26, 2019

Day 8 (7/26/19)


It rained off and on a little during the night. Adam said he fell out of his cot.  He was stuck between the tent and the cot and had a hard time getting back into his bed.  Jacob and Eli wanted to be woke up early so they could go fishing. They didnt catch any fish but there was a pair of loons by the dock when they got there. After breakfast we took our walk. Then Daddy read to us while we ate cookies. Around 11:00 we headed over to the fort to check out battery D. There were enough people there that they decided to do an unscheduled firing of the cannons. Adam rode his bike over to the east campground and found a bunch of wood. He hid it and came to get Daddy's help. Daddy and Eli went to the fort store and Jacob rode his bike into town. We took a birthday card over to give to Grandpa. Today he turns 80!  After lunch we headed to Calumet for gas and some ice for the cooler. I read the book as we drove. We stopped at the shop to see Leslie. Wyatt was smiling at her. He really liked eating berries from her sugar plum tree. Back at camp Jacob, Jared, and I played 3-13 with Grandma. Jared won. We took a walk over to the fort but turned back when it got dark, windy and we could hear thunder. Took a walk around the campground and it started sprinkling. We didn't have our umbrella's so we hurried back to camp. After dinner we took another walk even though we could still hear thunder and it only sprinkled some. We brought our umbrellas this time. Grandma and Grandpa came over and played a couple games of 3-13 with Jared, Jacob, and I.  Jared won the first game and Grandpa won the last. We sure had a lot of laughs. Soon after the first game it got really dark and then down poured. Jared and I got a little wet putting down two sides of the screen tent. Adam stayed in the tent during the storm to read. Eventually Eli joined him in there and fell asleep. We took a walk around the campground with Grandma and Grandpa. Got to bed around 10:15

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