

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Day 2 (7/20/19)

Eli woke up during the night and was trying to crawl into our bed. He was on the opposite side of the bed by Jacob’s cot. He said that his bed had collapsed. So I checked his bed and it was good. He was confused and thought Jacob's bed was his. Jacob woke up and said, “Eli, this is my bed.”  So Eli crawled back into his bed and went to sleep.  Adam said he'd walked down to the bathroom during the night and could hear Daddy snoring from the road. We were up with Eli and Jacob at 6:45. Eli went for a scooter ride found a couple pieces of wood. Eli and I took a ride around and as we were coming down the hill Eli’s scooter hit a rock. He went over his handlebar and somehow landed on his feet. After the coffee was ready we took our morning walk. Adam woke up just after 8:00. He took a bike ride over to the fort store and east campground.  He found some firewood and carried to the playground. He hid the woods and then rode back to get Daddy's help.  We took a walk over to the fort and then to pebble beach.  Jared and I played 3-13 and he won. It came down to whoever went out in the last round. After lunch we went to town to visit Leslie.  Daddy and the boys rode bike and I drove in the van with Wyatt.  We picked out some new Dennis mugs and some plates.  On our way back to camp we stopped for pops.  Back at camp we relaxed in our hammocks and the boys did some reading.  Jared and Eli played a game of 3-13 and I joined in at the high score.  Eli won. We went for a walk and then it was time to make dinner.  The boys took a bike ride over to the east campground. After dinner we took a walk around the campground and then over to pebble beach. We sat on the beach and looked for rocks. Adam went swimming. Back at camp we sat by the fire and made smore's.  We got to bed around 10:30

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