

Monday, July 29, 2019

Day 11 (7/29/19)

It rained alot during the night. I just love the sound of the rain on the tent. It was also very windy. Jared and I woke up around 6:30 but stayed in bed until the rained stopped around 7:00. It was very foagy over Lake Fanny Hooe. Jared and I played a game of 3-13 and he won. Then Grandma came over for coffee and played a game with us. Grandma won. Jared had the high score but ended in under 100 with 99. Adam woke up first and we played some games of uno. I woke the other two boys up around 9:00. After breakfast we took a walk around the campground. Adam took a bike ride over to Pebble beach and said the waves were big. Daddy read to us until almost lunchtime. Jacob and Adam took a bike ride into town to get a pop for Eli. Eli and Daddy played a couple games of uno. After lunch we headed to Dennis and Leslie’s house to help stack wood. Leslie came out to help too.  We got it done quickly, in less than an hour.  From there we went to Eagle river so the boys could play in the large waves. It was very windy on the beach. I read our book as we drove and Daddy continued reading to us back at camp. Then we played some uno games. After dinner Daddy read to us while we got the dishes done. We took a walk around the campground. The boys rode around on bikes. Adam pushed his front brake and went over his handlebars but he landed on his feet. Eli raced bikes around the campground with some friends he'd made. We sat by the fire and then Jacob and I took a walk around the campground. Then we played a game of 3-13 with Grandma and Grandpa. Jacob won. I was the high score. We got to bed around 10:45. It was still very windy. 

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