

Friday, July 12, 2019


We all slept in until around 8:30.  The boys watched some tv and then we went outside to work with the sheep.  Jacob and I played chess and he won.  I finished the other rust spots of the van and primed them.  Got another coat of water sealer on the trailer.  Jared got home around 3:00.  Started some banana's and strawberries on the dehydrator.  We also made coffee pods for camping.  With Jared and the boys help we got them done quickly.  After dinner Jared and I went to Bed Bath and Beyond to get some crates.  We stopped at Mom's because she had some coupons that we could use.  This evening Jared brush hogged the rams paddock.  Jacob helped me cut the long grass growing on the electric fence.  Daddy gave Jacob some lesson's on the tractor.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Nice seeing Jacob driving that tractor. He must have been so happy.