

Saturday, July 6, 2019


I had an eye dr appointment in Saginaw this morning at 10:30.  After the appointment we headed to the campground.  This was our first visit to this campground in Omer, MI.  After lunch we took a walk around the campground.  We then hung out in our hammocks and relax at the site.  Jared and I took a couple walks around the campground to work with Wyatt. Some people stopped to talk to us about Wyatt and a bunch of kids were having him do tricks.  They loved his bow.  We went for a swim before dinner.  Mom had burger, hot dogs, corn on the cob, baked beans, and potatoes for dinner.  It was so good!!  After dinner we took a walk with Dad around the campground.  Then Mom and I took a bike ride.  We headed to Standish campground so we could watch the firework display.  Got there early so took a walk.  We enjoyed the fireworks but Wyatt did not.  He tucked his tail and hid behind our chairs.  He laid down and was ok after awhile.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

So glad you came up to spend the day and go to the fireworks. Fun family time!