

Saturday, January 31, 2015


He's knitting me a dishcloth.

Serious matchbox races.  They even got out the wax paper.

Sweet girl

I've been working on learning to knit mittens.  Eli asked for red mittens.

Off to bed - haha

Friday, January 30, 2015


We went to Vikki's house today.  Mom and Melissa came over too. Dad also stopped by for awhile. Peyton came home with me to spend the night.  We waited at the end of the road for the boys to get off the bus.  Adam got off but Jacob didn't.  He was so into reading his book that he didn't notice he was at our stop.  I hurried to buckle Eli and Peyton and then followed the bus to the next stop. We laughed and Jacob wanted to call Daddy and tell him what happened. 

Peyton brought the movie Frozen to watch this evening.  We made popcorn.

Peyton was so happy to get to sleep in the boys room.

Saturday, January 24, 2015


Jacob got hit in the eye while wrestling.  Their discussing where they should amputate.