

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Day 3 (7/21/19)

Jacob's rocks

We were up with Eli around 7am. We tried to wake the other two per their request but they continued sleeping for a little while longer. Adam said he’d stayed up late reading. Eli and I took a bike ride to look for wood. Daddy, Eli, Jacob and I played a game of tonk. Jacob won. Daddy, Eli and I tied for last place with each of having 100 points. Haha. Adam and Jacob took a bike ride over to the east campground to look for wood and found a bundle. Jacob stayed with it while Adam came back for Daddy. We went for our morning walk and Adam and Eli rode scooters. Back at our site Jared and I knitted and the boys read books in their hammocks. We went to Pebble beach. The boys and Daddy rode bikes and I walked with Wyatt. Wyatt fetched sticks in the water but would only get them if he didnt have to swim. Adam took him out in the deeper water a few times. Jacob and Eli searched for rocks. Eli’s bike stopped working because he got a bunch of grass caught around his gears. Jacob and Adam took a bike ride over to the east campground to look for wood but they didn't find any this time. After lunch the boys went back to reading in their hammocks. Eli and I played tic tac toe and then checkers. Jared and I relaxed in our hammocks. It was nice and cool today. Jacob and Adam wanted to see if Grandma and Grandpa were in town visiting Leslie so they decided to take a bike ride into town. Soon after they left we heard a tire squeal. Adam was waiting for Jacob at the bathroom and backed his bike into the road. Jacob was hurrying to catch up and hit Adam's bike as he was backing out.  Adam's back tire rim was bent badly. Daddy and Adam went to town to visit the bike shop and got some information on where to get it fixed. Grandma and Grandpa arrived at around 2:30. While setting up their dining fly the canvas ripped badly at the top. I worked on sewing and patching that while they set up their tent. Jacob and Grandma played a game of 3-13 and Jacob won. We got the dining fly set up and then went back to our site to make dinner. After dinner we took a walk around the campground and then walked over to Pebble beach with Grandma. We sat by the fire and made smore's. Got to bed around 10:45. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Love the picture of grandma and grandpa with the boys!