

Saturday, February 27, 2021


Washing the light fixture

The boys were up around 6:00.  Jared went to town to get our Sat goodies.  I started working on smoothing the bottoms of all the pottery.  We worked on pottery today, smoothing, taking pictures, measuring and posting to etsy.  The boys spent the afternoon reading, playing with legos and also helped with some cleaning.  We unloaded the kiln this afternoon.  We went to town to post pictures and I went in some stores with Eli to get birthday ideas.  The boys played minecraft and Jared and I played 3-13.  I won.  

Friday, February 26, 2021


Vikki carving her planter

 The boys had a half day at school today.  After school we headed home for a few things before going to Vikki's.  Eli couldn't find his iPod so we used Find my iPhone to ping it.  After a lot of searching we ended up finding it outside in a pile of snow.  It had been there all night.  Vikki served yummy sub sandwiches and chicken noodle soup for lunch.  Later we had muffins.  She made coffee and tea.  We sat on the porch for a little while.  The sun was out and it was around 40 degrees.  I brought a succulent planter for Vikki to carve on.  The kids played minecraft on the xbox.  Wyatt played with Lenny and Lucy.  I got to hold Vikki's new birds.  They're nice birds and reminded me of our birds we had growing up.  Mine was named Sunshine and Vikki's was Chester.  On the way home we stopped at Old Navy.  Jacob and Eli got some new clothes. Adam couldn't find anything he liked.  Vikki and Peyton came too.  At home the boys played mincraft together.  Jared and I played 3-13.  I won.  Jared was in the lead until the last few rounds.  I stuck him with a lot of points in the end.  We watched Heartland until bed.  

Thursday, February 25, 2021


Eli loves his little lego corner

New pendants from Kenzie!

 Last night I stayed up late trimming succulent planters and bowls.  This morning  I trimmed bowls and put handles on a couple mugs.  Nana, Peyton and Isaac came over.  I trimmed some of the succulent pots and bowls.  Kenzie and Travis came over around 1:30.  They brought their cute puppy Mylee.  We had sub sandwiches for lunch.  Jared came home from work early.  They carved on the succulent pots which turned out awesome! Peyton came with me to pick up the boys from school.  Kenzie brought in her pendant case and let us each pick out a new pendant!  This evening Jared and I caught lambs to look at their eyes.  Several lambs had entropion and we needed to treat them.  We gave them an injection of penicillin in their eyelid.  The needle kept getting clogged which made it hard to inject.  We ate dinner late and watched Heartland.  

Wednesday, February 24, 2021


 I trimmed tumblers and also threw succulent planters, bowls and a couple mugs. I painted another coat of kiln wash on the kiln shelves. When Jared got home from work we loaded the kiln for a glaze firing.  The table is full of glaze buckets so we ate dinner while watching Heartland.  This evening we glazed pottery.  

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


I made tall tumblers on the wheel today.  It was a beautiful day, 40's and sunny.  The snow is melting and our road is very slushy.  Eli came out with me to take care of the sheep after school.  He loves the lambs.  I found a few eggs in the barn.  Jared and I glazed pottery this evening.  We had a virtual meeting for Adam's high school orientation.  

Monday, February 22, 2021


We woke up early to a phone call saying school was closed. The boys were happy this morning and got up to watch tv.  Jared said the roads were plowed so they weren't to bad.  The boys came out and helped me take care of the sheep. We let Daisy and her lambs out and cleaned her stall. Then we took a walk in the woods. Jacob and Adam made paths in the deep snow. The kitty's followed us. Inside I made bacon, eggs hasbrowns and toast for Jacob and Eli. Adam Jacob and I played 3-13 and Jacob won. Jacob and I were 1 point apart in the King round. Adam had a high score. The boys played Mario on the Wii. I glazed the inside of the pottery. Then Eli and I raced on Mario Kart.  Jacob Adam and I played another game of 3-13 and I won.  Adam was the high score again.  The boys played minecraft until dinner was ready.  For dinner we had yummy homemade chicken noodle soup and homemade rolls.  I made chocolate chip cookies for dessert. Jared and I played 3-13 and I won.  

Sunday, February 21, 2021


This morning we found one of our lambs had died during the night.  It was Eva’s white lamb that Kenzie named Oz.  We aren’t sure exactly why she died but are guessing that Eva is not producing enough milk.  We are now keeping an eye on her other lambs weight.  After church we played a game of 3-13 with Adam.  I won.  Jared threw a wild in the 10 round and I missed it.  Adam said something about it but I had already looked at the card I drew.  We went shopping this afternoon and got pizza for lunch.  Jared and I played 4 games of 3-13 and I lost 3 of those games.  The boys helped us unload the kiln.  They carried trays of pottery to the house.  Then the boys and Daddy played the Mario Kart on the Wii.  I waxed the bottom of the pots.  This evening we had popcorn pop and ice cream and watched Heartland.  

Saturday, February 20, 2021


Catching lambs to put in the creep feed

Koala went through the deep snow to get to us.

Deer have made a hole in the pond to drink from

 Eli slept on the floor in our bedroom last night.  He had a rough night with a stuffy nose and a sore throat.  Jared went to town to get our Sat goodies.  The boys were up early to watch tv.  Jared and I played a few games of 3-13 today.  He won 2 and I won 1 game.  Adam and I played this afternoon and Adam won.  I had a high score and Adam was in the negatives.  We set up the lamb's creep feed and the boys helped us catch lambs to put in there.  There was some loud baaing from both the ewes and their lambs.  The boys had fun playing Mario on the Wii.  Jared and I fixed our kitchen flooring.  There was a gap where the floor meets the carpet.  We had to pull off the baseboard and use a special tool to pound it back.  It worked great and looks so nice.  We had to paint, spackle and caulk the wall and the baseboard.  Jared and I took a walk in the woods.  The snow was deep and went in Jared boot.  It was interesting to see all the tracks in the woods.  There are a lot of places where the deer are laying down.  The pond had a lot to tracks that lead to a water hole.  This evening we ate dinner late and watched Heartland.  I went out to the barn to check on the sheep and they had knocked down the gate and were on the other side of the fence (in the barn).  I got them back and fixed the gate.