

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Making card houses

Jacob had an appointment this morning at the orthodontist.  His upper and lower teeth are not straight and his upper teeth overlap the lower front teeth excessively.  He also has a couple missing permanent teeth.  Last year he lost one of those baby teeth (with no permanent under it) and will need to have the other tooth pulled.  He going to need braces and will have to wear them for about 3 years.  They could have started braces today or tomorrow but Jared thought Jacob should have time to adjust to the idea and tell his friends.  He has an appointment on Monday to get the upper braces put on.  After the extraction of the baby tooth they can put on the lower braces.  This afternoon I went to Kohl's to get some new clothes for Adam.  I got him a few new shirts and another pair of his favorite shorts.  After picking the boys up from school we headed to our pottery shop in town.  We are moving to a new spot which is a little bigger and has more light.  After dinner we played a couple games of tonk.  Daddy won both games and Eli had the high scores.  Jacob had a lot of homework to do and stayed up late working on it.  Jared and I played a game of 3-13 after tucking the boys in bed.  I won.  Kenzie sent us some chick pictures and let Eli pick out a chick to name.  Its a little yellow chick and he named her Sunny.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I thought Jacob had perfect teeth. Three years seems like a long time, but it sure goes by fast. I like the name Sunny for Kenzie's chick. Did Eli like playing Tonk?