

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


Stopping to read his book

Today I made mugs.  I picked Jacob up early from school for a 1:50 appointment at the orthodontists.  They put on his top braces and he has an appointment next month to get the bottom braces on.  He will have to have a tooth extracted before that appointment.  They sent him home with a drawstring bag of goodies and some dip and dots ice cream.  He said the braces felt really weird.  We also stopped at McDonalds for shakes on the way home.  Daddy was home with Adam and Eli.  We headed to the rail trail.  Eli brought a book with him and occasionally stopped to wait for us and read his book.  Jacob and Adam went off on their bikes.  The weather was high 50's and felt nice.  At home the boys played minecraft.  Jared and I played 3-13 and I won.  After dinner we played another game.  After a few rounds Adam joined in at the high score.  He won with 0.  Jared and I both had over 100 points.  I was the high score.  Jacob and Eli practiced their instruments. Jacob is going to have to get used to playing with braces on.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I didn't think of Jacob having to get used to playing the clarinet with braces on. Praying for my boy. Healthy fun on the rail trail for all of you. Can't believe how far Adam says he goes no handed on his bike. Amazing!