

Wednesday, March 17, 2021


Adam and I started a monopoly game today.  I was buying lots of property and mortgaging property to buy more property.  I owned almost all the property and it was all mortgaged. Then I won the middle and was finally able to unmortgaged all my property.  Later Jared told me that Adam could have bought my property when it was mortgaged.  I forgot that rule. We are going to start the game over.  Jared and I played 3-13 and I won.  Jacob had a lot of homework and worked on it until late.  While waiting for something to download Jacob came outside to kick the soccer ball.  After he went back in we played a soccer game, Daddy and I vs Adam and Eli.  They won.  The score was 10-2.  We played a game of Tonk with Adam and Eli and Eli won.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

The Russell soccer teams are back in action! Lots of exercise and fun. Those boys better keep their heels planted on the ground. Jared doesn't look too short until they went up on their toes.