

Saturday, March 13, 2021



This morning Jacob drove to town to get our Sat goodies with Daddy.  We burned the brush pile in the woods.  Jacob buried Isaac's bird that died in our little cemetery in the woods.  They found a rock to mark the spot.  Jared threw bowls and plates on the wheel and I pugged some clay.  This afternoon we went to Nana and Papa's house for a visit.  Jacob got some more driving time in and did great.  We got to see the new carpet which is so nice!  Vikki and I helped Mom hang things on the wall in the newly carpeted room.  Dad, Jared and Jacob hung the new closet doors.  Mom made coffee and we had muffins or bagels to eat.  Eli, Peyton and Isaac had fun rollerblading in the basement and outside.  The kids picked up sticks in the yard for Papa.  Adam was pulling Peyton in the wagon.  She sat on top of the sticks.  He ran and turned and Peyton did a flip backwards off of the wagon.  She got up and was laughing.  We watched Luis Palau, the movie and Nana made pizza. We headed home around 6:00.  Jared and I played a game of 3-13 and I won.  It was a really close game.  We watched some tv and then  had another fun bible drill before reading.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Why does Adam hanging from that little branch make me nervous? Thank you all for helping so much with decorating, hanging closet doors, picking up sticks, taking garbage out and whatever I am forgetting to mention. So happy we could have lots of fun and also watch that movie too!