

Friday, March 26, 2021


Peeling potatoes for dinner

Eli caught 25 fish

Both cats followed Adam from the house.  

After taking the boys to school I met Jared at the auto shop.  They are fixing an oil leak on the van.  At home I trimmed my plates.  Then I worked on changing around the furniture in our bedroom.  Jared came home around 12:30 and we went to pick up the van.  From there I went to Meijer to get Easter candy for the boys Easter baskets. Went to the school to get the boys and headed home.  Jared trimmed his plates.  The boys played Minecraft.  Then Jared and I played a couple games of 3-13.  Adam went to the sandhill to dig.  Eli caught fish in the pond and put them in a bucket.  After dinner Adam went back up to the sandhill and Eli went back to catching fish.  He took the canoe out on the pond.  We started a fire and sat on the swing.  Eli stepped out of the canoe and almost fell in the pond.  The water came up to his knees. Adam put Steve (the cat) in the canoe and gave the canoe a push.  The cat jumped out of the canoe quickly and went completely under water.  He swam to shore.  Burr!  Poor kitty!  Jacob kicked around the soccer ball for a long time.  We came inside and watched a Dick van Dyke before bed.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Great potato peelers! Those cats sure do love Adam. Poor Steve...maybe he doesn't love him quite so much now that he went under water. Grandpa would have loved to see Eli catching all those fish in the net.