

Wednesday, March 31, 2021


 I got to my parents house around 10:30.  Jacob was just waking up and Adam was watching the Beverly Hillbillies.  Nana had made pancakes. Papa was gone at therapy. Vikki and the kids came over too.  Jacob and Adam started putting together the roof panels.  It was cold and windy outside.  Peyton, Nana, Vikki and I played 3-13 and I won.  Mom grilled hot dogs and fried up some potatoes for lunch.  We tried to put on the gazebo roof but it was hard and too windy so we are going to wait until Friday when Jared and Rody came help.  Eli was going to spend the night with Aunt Bippi again.  I got home and Vikki called saying that Eli wanted to come home.  He was really tired and homesick.  I took the car and met Vikk to get Eli.  Jared took the van and trailer to get a load of dirt.  Eli helped us dig out the sand and replace it with dirt.  Jacob and Adam went to youth group.  There were snowing flurries this evening.  We went to Tim Horton's but they were closed due to short staff.  We went to McDonalds for drinks.  We also stopped at the store for muffins and donuts. At home Adam gave us a tour of his Minecraft world.  This evening we watched Dick van Dyke.  

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