

Sunday, March 21, 2021


It was another beautiful day today.  The weather was sunny and in the 60's.  After church we played a game of soccer with the boys.  Jacob had a lot of school work and studying to do today.  I went grocery shopping and then picked up pizza's for lunch.  After lunch the boys played some Minecraft.  Jared and I took a walk in the woods and then came in to play 3-13.  We opened the doors and windows.  It was windy so I had to close the windows a little because it was blowing around our cards.  It was another close game but Jared won.  We played another fun game of soccer with the boys.  Jacob and Adam won 11-2.  Back inside it was time for popcorn pop and ice cream.  We had a bible drill before bed and Daddy won. 


Lela F Russell said...

My goodness...such a fun farm!! Always something to think about and do. Woo Great goals. Keep those legs running. Might Jacob be playing soccer this spring. He should be tough enough but maybe has to much work among other things. Great pictures and being outside is such a fun place to be.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Busy and fun Sunday at your house! Thankful for the great home and wonderful parents my grandchildren have!