

Monday, March 1, 2021


Our pendants.  The left three are Eli, Jacob and Adam's (long pink).  Jared and mine are on the right.  Mine is the bigger yellow one.  

Kenzie and Travis's made these pendants today.  

Wyatt and Mylee

 After church Jared and I went shopping.  The boys stayed home.  I picked up some birthday gifts for Eli and got groceries.  Jared went to the post office and also picked up pizzas for lunch.  This afternoon Kenzie and Travis came over.  They brought their glass blowing equipment and set up in our barn. First we got to watch Kenzie and Travis make a pendant. Then we each got to make pendants with their guidance.  They were so patient and great instructors!!  And we all enjoyed it SO much!!  Thank you Kenzie and Travis!!  Travis threw a couple more claw pendants and Eli picked out the colors that he used.  All the pendants went into their little kiln and we got to open it today!!  Inside Kenzie and Travis did some carving on pottery pieces.  We made popcorn and had ice cream shakes.  The boys played minecraft.  Wyatt got to play with Mylee again.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

You all did amazing on making your pendants. How fun! Great job! I thought those were three movie stars at first with those sunglasses on. I love the picture of Eli with cute and his love for animals sure shows.