

Friday, March 12, 2021


Adam is using houses to represent $5000.  Not enough money in the bank.

It was really windy last night and today.  It was 57 degrees when we got up this morning.  Even the huge pile of snow has melted.  A house we drive past on the way to school had their big old barn blow down during the night.  Today I trimmed bowls. I sat outside on the deck and listened to some music.  Then I took down and packed away the Christmas lights. Jared and I played a couple games of 3-13 and Jared won both games.  Jacob had a lot of homework.  He started studying before dinner and worked again until late.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Cute picture of Wyatt on the deck. He matches it pretty good. Love all the pictures of the boys.