

Friday, February 5, 2021


Eli was happy to meet Aunt Bippi's birds

Jared and I unloaded the kiln last night and then reloaded it again.  It was very cold and windy this morning.  There were many school closings but the boys already had the day off.  We were going to go to Nana and Papa's to help paint but decided not to because it was snowing and blowing.  By noon it had stopped snowing so we decided to go.  The back roads were slick but in town they were good. Someone in a tall van spun out on the expressway and was in the center.  Vikki came to help paint too.  We started with trim around the ceiling and then painted the ceiling.  We had muffins, bagels and coffee for a yummy treat.  Dad picked up a ton of wood pellets and then boys unloaded them.  We worked on painting the walls.  Jared came there after work and helped edge paint the wall at the ceiling.  Dad and Jacob worked on putting up a new ceiling fan. The room looks so nice.  Adam is spending the night with Nana and Papa.  Eli went home with Aunt Bippi.  We stopped to pick up a pizza and breadsticks on the way home.  Our neighbor plowed our driveway!  We watched Heartland.  Played a game of 3-13 and Jacob won.  I had the high score.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Thank you all so much for your help. It's amazing how fast we got the room done. It was so much fun working together and what a special bonus to have Adam spend the night. He is so much fun to have!