

Monday, February 1, 2021


 Today I threw mugs and a couple plates on the wheel.  I moved the wheels and cleaned the floor and wall by them.  Jacob had drivers training after school and Jared picked him up when it was done. Adam worked on making a new stop motion video.  I cut Wyatt's his nails, cleaned his teeth, and trimmed the hair on his face.  Eli helped me.  This evening Jared and I played a few games of 3-13.  I won all three.   Poor Jared.  I was getting all the good cards and he was getting stuck with points.  Adam helped us unload the kiln.  The pottery with Kenzie's glass pendants didn't turn out.  The pendants melted.  Bummer.  Jared and I waxed and glazed the inside of the pots.  Jacob stayed up late working on school work.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Awe it's really a bummer that the pendants melted. Nice Motion Video making area for Adam and nice set up. Love the sheep pictures. Handsome pictures of my boys too. What a winning night at 3-13 for you. Love you!