

Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Eva and her new lambs

This is Lela.  She's so cute!

Frannie and her lamb

Eva and her twins

Wyatt having fun in the snow

Eva's lamb that Kenzie named Ozzi (Oz for short). 

 I went out at 5am to check on the sheep.  We got a call early saying school was closed due to snow.  Soon Adam was up and waking his brothers.  He pretended like it was time to get up for school. They spent the morning watching tv.  Jared went out to the barn to check on the sheep and came back in to tell me that Eva was lambing.  When we went out she was laying on her side and pushing hard.  I could see it was a big lamb with one leg back. I tried to help her deliver in this position but it was too tight for this big lamb.  I pushed hard on the lambs little face and finally got the lamb back in.  Now I had room to get the other leg in the correct position for delivery.  She licked her lamb some and soon was pushing again.  Soon another smaller lamb was born.  We let Anna and her lamb out of their stall and cleaned it.  I dragged the new lambs to the stall.  The black boy weighs 14.5 lbs and the white girl weighs 10.5 lbs.  They are all doing great.  Jared worked from home today.  I trimmed mugs and made handles.  I check on the sheep often. The boys helped clean the house.  They did some reading and played chess.  Adam and Eli helped me make some snow ice cream.  The boys had fun playing Mario games on the Wii. After work Jared plowed the driveway.  He made some big snow hills for the boys to play on.  Jared and I played 3-13 and I won.  It was a close game.  After dinner we watched Heartland. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Lela sure is cute and so is little Oz. You are amazing how you know what to do when the lambs are coming and help the moms deliver. Eli always has his nose in a book. I'm happy he loves to read. Nice picture of Jared plowing he driveway. That tractor sure is nice! Makes the job lots easier for sure! Snow ice cream looks yummy!