

Wednesday, February 10, 2021


Fyrne and her cute lambs

Today I trimmed  mugs and made handles.  I went out to check on the sheep every couple hours.  Jared picked the boys up from school.  We went to town to pick up the van.  Then I went shopping for Jared's birthday, valentines, and groceries.  We watched Heartland and ate a late dinner.  Adam and I played monopoly.  Somehow Adam usually misses my property.  Or he lands on mine while I'm in jail.  He even landed on Boardwalk while I was in jail.   

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

You can't win by being in jail Kimmy! He is pretty good at winning that game. Look at that big happy smile!!! We will have to put him up against Dad and see how the two of them do. Happy you have your van back. Cute sheep pictures!!!