

Friday, February 26, 2021


Vikki carving her planter

 The boys had a half day at school today.  After school we headed home for a few things before going to Vikki's.  Eli couldn't find his iPod so we used Find my iPhone to ping it.  After a lot of searching we ended up finding it outside in a pile of snow.  It had been there all night.  Vikki served yummy sub sandwiches and chicken noodle soup for lunch.  Later we had muffins.  She made coffee and tea.  We sat on the porch for a little while.  The sun was out and it was around 40 degrees.  I brought a succulent planter for Vikki to carve on.  The kids played minecraft on the xbox.  Wyatt played with Lenny and Lucy.  I got to hold Vikki's new birds.  They're nice birds and reminded me of our birds we had growing up.  Mine was named Sunshine and Vikki's was Chester.  On the way home we stopped at Old Navy.  Jacob and Eli got some new clothes. Adam couldn't find anything he liked.  Vikki and Peyton came too.  At home the boys played mincraft together.  Jared and I played 3-13.  I won.  Jared was in the lead until the last few rounds.  I stuck him with a lot of points in the end.  We watched Heartland until bed.  

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I am so happy you took one for Vikki to carve too. You girls are all so thoughtful and kind. I am proud of you girls! Nice shirts Jacob and Eli are modeling.