

Friday, February 19, 2021



Eli started complaining last night of a sore throat and a runny nose.  He didn't have a fever but we decided to keep him home.  We took his brothers to school and stopped at the post office.  When we got home I made Eli some hot chocolate and we played a game of 3-13.  I won.  We also played a game of chess.  Nana came over to bring us some blueberry muffins and some bagels.  She was going to spend the day with me but we postponed it because Eli is sick.  I cleaned the kitchen cabinets.  Eli took a long bath.  I went out to check on the sheep this afternoon and Daisy had lambed twins.  They were already standing.  I got them into a stall and took care of them.  Its a boy and a girl weighing 11.7 and 13 lbs.  They are doing great.  We stopped at the post office on our way to pick up the boy.  At home Adam and I played 3-13 and Adam won.  Adam was happy to break my winning streak.  The other boys were happy too.  Haha.  When Jared got home from work we played 3-13 and he won by 10 points.  It was a close game.  


Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I really love that picture of Eli laughing while shuffling cards. He's so cute. Too bad Adam had to go and break your winning streak. At least Jared only won by 10 pts. Those boys are sure sticking together when it comes to you winning.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

I also love that picture of Eli with the lamb. It melted my heart as soon as I saw it, so I borrowed it.