

Tuesday, October 31, 2017


Trick or Treat

Teresa went home sick today so I took over her job and they called in a sub for my job. Her job besides serving is basically to get all the fruit and veggie bowls ready for lunch and get the sub/salad bar ready.  I got out just after 1:00. We gave the kids sherbert ice cream as a Halloween treat.  At home and I got out the boys halloween costumes and got mittens and hats out to take in case they got cold.  Jared got out of work early and got home just after the boys.  We hurried to get ready and then headed to Melissa and Bruce's house.  It was very cold and windy this morning but felt much better this evening when the wind died down.  The older kids ran house to house so they were very warm and didn't even wear coats.  Bruce made chili and homemade bread which was so good!  He even made me some chicken chili!  The kids watched a show on tv while we visited.  We got home around 10:00.

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