

Saturday, October 21, 2017


Jared left for our Saturday treats before anyone was up today.  The boys woke up just after he got home.  We left around 9:15 to go to Adam's soccer game.  After Adam's game we went to Meijer to get subs for lunch and snacks for Eli's team.  Then we went back to the soccer field for Eli's game.  He was goalie in the first half of the game.  It was his first time being goalie and he love it!  The coach even came over and said, "Wow, Eli's a great goalie!"  There were no subs for Eli's team today.  After Eli's game we had to head over to Adam's second game of the day.  We left at around 4:30.  Had to stop at the store for new shoes for Jacob.  He's wearing size 10 1/2 now!  Just after we got home Nik came over and the boys went up to play on the sand hill.  Jared mowed the lawn.  This evening Lane came over for a few hours.  He walked out to the sandhill and surprised Eli.  Eli gave him a big hug.  We started a fire and sat on the swing.  The five boys came to play in the woods.  I made them some hot chocolate.  They had so much fun running around in the woods even after dark.  After dark they brought out the light sabers to play with.  Before bed I gave Adam and Jacob a haircut.

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