

Wednesday, October 11, 2017


After work today I headed to my parents house.  From there Mom and I headed to Vikki's.  Vikki had just got home from work when we got to her house.  We all went to Zenders in Frankenmuth to enjoy our free birthday dinner.  The food was yummy and we were so stuffed!  We got to bring lots of leftover food home too.  From there we went to Bronner's to get our free birthday ornaments!  Then we went to Vikki's favorite bead store and she got her birthday present.  We had fun filling little tubes with pretty beads.  Adam called and said some kid puked right behind him on the bus.  Adam's always so cute when he says hi on the phone.  We went to the yankie candle store and Mom got a couple things in there.  Mom dropped us off at Vikki's and she had to head home.  Vikki and I were going to get our free birthday coffee's from Biggby but I had left my coupon in the car.  We stopped at Goodwill and then Vikki took me back to my car. Got home around 7pm.  Jared had stopped and picked up pizza's for dinner per Adam's request.  Jacob and I played some monopoly.  Adam and Eli were playing in their bedroom.  Jared had a lot of Della batts finished.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Sure had fun with you girls today. Thanks for letting me tag along. Worked out nice that I got my free ornament too. Love this tradition.