

Tuesday, October 3, 2017


Jacob came into our bedroom last night because he had a bad dream.  He had a hard time getting back to sleep and lay on the floor next to our bed.  Today I had to be to work at 7:15 because the head cook was still sick.  The boys waited in the van until it was time to head in.  Jacob took Eli over to the elementary before going into his school.  After work I headed home.  I put a roast, carrots and potatoes in the oven for dinner.  Eli came in carrying Adam's trombone.  Jacob was excited to tell me that he'd gotten 1st chair in band!  Jared got home around 5:00 and I headed out with the boys for soccer practices.  Jared stayed home to mow the lawn and then he had a park meeting.  Jacob and I played some monopoly when we got home.

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