

Monday, October 30, 2017


New coats

Eli made this paper mache donut for Daddy.  Daddy took it to work
I had to be to work at 6:45 am so Jared took the boys to school this morning.  I went in early because our head cook is off today so I was covering another shift.  Before getting ready for breakfast I started making 75 sack lunches.  I left work around 1:00.  At home I worked on washing and rinsing the wool yarn we had dyed yesterday.  I still smelled like the boiled chestnut hulls.   I talked to Vikki on the phone and did some cleaning.  It was raining so I drove down the road to get the boys.  The boys played with legos and Nik came over for an hour.  After dinner this evening we went to town to look for coats for Jacob and Adam because they have outgrown theirs.