

Monday, October 2, 2017


Max playing his trombone for us

Jared loves these kitty's

Jacob told me to look at how tall he looked in this pictures and the other boys wanted picture like it.

Went into work this morning and the head cook was sick and heading home.  Busy day.  At 1:00 I picked up Eli and we headed to the dentist.  After the dentist we stopped at Goodwill and then Tim Horton's.  Eli got a bagel and I got a cappuccino.  We stopped at Nana and Papa's to visit.  Max and Evan are staying with them this week.  Max played his trombone for us.  The boys played some minecraft and then played with legos.  We left shortly after 5:00 and headed home.  Adam was blowing leaves with the leaf blower.  Jacob was practicing his instrument for the chair test.  We worked on Eli's spelling words and then got dinner ready.  After dinner Nik came over and the boys played outside.  I worked on making handles and trimming my mugs.  Jared is plying Eva's wool.  We took a walk in the woods and a couple kittens followed us.  Then we took a walk down the road.  It was nice and cool.  Came inside and I attached handles while Jared read to the boys.

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