

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


Concert time!

After work today I came home and did some cleaning.  I ironed the boys clothes for the concert this evening.  Vikki called and I talked to her on the phone.  She was in the hospital today and has kidney stones!  I picked the boys up again today because it was raining.  We ate dinner early and then headed to school for the band concert! Adam knew what room number every grade needed to be at and when.  We were early so he stayed with us for awhile.  Jacob went to wait by the room with his friends.  We had a lot of fun and the concert was great!  Daddy read to the boys and then we tucked them in bed.  Adam was getting loud so I said, "Adam, I don't want to hear your voice."  Then I said, "Adam, do you understand?"  He didn't answer me so I asked him again.  He said, "But you said you didn't want to hear my voice."  We laughed!  The boys listened to some music and fell asleep quickly.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

So happy to see pictures of the boy's concert. Very handsome grandsons!