

Wednesday, January 5, 2022


 We overslept this morning because the Alexa alarm locked up.  We didn't wake up until 8:00!  Adam got to school just before his second class started.  Eli said Mr Plickta said he was disappointed he wasn't keeping with Adam's tradition of shorts and t-shirt.  Mr Plicta is the dean.  I woke Jacob when I got home and and told him it was sleeting/snowing outside so we'd have to leave early for school.  He needed to be there by 10:00 because the buses were leaving for Delta.  They were going there to get books.  At 9:20 I told Jacob he should get ready to go soon.  He said he needed to print something to take to Delta with him.  His password wasn't working and he couldn't print what he needed.  He was frustrated.  We got to school a couple minutes before 10:00 but we could see the buses leaving.  We missed them so we headed to Delta.  Jacob was emailing Mrs Boxey and she said he didn't need to go to Delta.  We turned around and stopped at Starbucks so Jacob could use his gift card on a cappuccino.  The roads were slick. Jacob said he is going to have to take the next college math class alone because none of the other Meridian students passed the class.  Jacob got an A in that class! At home I trimmed mugs and pulled handles.  I only had 20 min to pull and attach 10 handles so I did it quickly.  My mugs were getting dry.  I took Jacob to school at 12:30.  Adam stayed after school today for a running club from 3:00-4:30.  Jared picked him up on his way home from work.  This evening Jacob and Adam went to youth group.  They were happy to have it started back up again.  Adam saw Sam at school today.  He was at youth group too.  We played minecraft on the server this evening.  

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