

Sunday, January 9, 2022


 Jacob started Delta classes back up today.  He said there were only 6 people in his algebra class.  Jared took Jacob to catch the delta bus and then took Adam to school.  Before taking Adam to school he stopped at the post office to drop off some packages.  Today I made bowls on the wheel which are going to be soup bowls with handles.  I went to Old Navy to take back some pants that I got for Eli that didn't fit.  I went to Kohl's and found a couple pair of pants for Eli.  Jared picked the boys up from school and met me at home.  We dropped them off at home and then we to Mt Pleasant to test drive a car.  Its a 2015 Honda Civic. We are going to look at another one tomorrow.  We played a couple games of bedwars.  After dinner we played a game of 3-13 with Adam.  We played minecraft on the server.  Jacob worked on homework and then practiced his instrument.  He got to bed late.  I worked on trimming my bowls so I will just add handles tomorrow.  

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