

Tuesday, January 4, 2022


Jared took Adam to school this morning.  I took Eli to school and stopped at the post office on the way home.  I pugged clay and threw mugs on the wheel today.  Jacob and I played some bedwars.  I took Jacob to school at 1:00 and then headed into town.  I took Wyatt into the pet store.  We went to McDonalds to get Adam and burger, fries and a pop.  He gets out of school at 2:25.  He started school at Midland high today and said it was fun.  His locker is in the basement and it's close to his friend Sawyer's locker.  He saw Callum (Pastor Scotts son) and talked with him.  Callum is in 8th grade but is taking high school math.  He was surprised to see Adam.  Adam's friend from Meridian is in one of his classes and Ella who was on Adam's soccer team is in another class.  He is taking biology, English, Algebra, Spanish, Gym, and Art.  He likes all of his classes.  In gym class they went to the weight room.  They do that every Tue and Thurs. Adam chatted with his Meridian friends alot today.  They are missing him.  He is going to go to the next Meridian basketball game.  He saw another boy from church at lunchtime.  His school has an open lunch so kids can leave it they want.  He walked around the school during lunch.  We made it to school in plenty of time to get the other boys.  Eli and I fed the animals.  He gave Bo treats and hugs.  We played minecraft bedwars and on the server. Jacob and Eli practiced their instruments until dinner was ready.  We ate a late dinner tonight.  

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