

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


New Honda Civic

Old Honda Civic (1999)

 Jared took Jacob and Adam to school this morning.  He dropped a package off at the post office.  He went into Apple Bagel to get Adam a bagel.  He forgot to set the parking break and the car started rolling out of the  parking spot.  Adam pulled the emergecy break.  Jared came home as I was leaving to take Eli.  He took Eli to school and I took care of the animals.  We headed to Standish to look at a Honda Civic at the Ford dealership.  We took it for a test drive and really liked it.  I was looking at things in the car and I pulled the emergency brake while we were driving.  I though it was a door to something.  It jerked the car.  We ended up buying the car.  We had to drive home to get the checkbook.  The car wasn't ready when we got back.  I didn't realize how late it had gotten until l looked at the time.  The car's tire sensor light was on and they work working on it at the auto shop.  I called Mom and asked her if she could pick up Adam.  She said sure and they headed right there.  I thought we'd have time to get the other boys but they were taking a long time trying to figure out the sensor.  I called Mom and asked if they could pick up the other boys too.  She said of course and said they were going to take the boys to McDonalds.  They finally got the pressure sensor light off and we left.  We were going to head to McDonalds to meet my parents with the boys but the tire sensor light came back on.  They had us take the car to the Honda dealership in Bay City and send them the bill.  They got the car in right away and we waited while they worked on it.  The said it was just a leaky tire seal so they fixed that.  They also said they had filled the tires with way to much air so they lowered them to the right pressure.  We stopped at Tim Hortons for a bagel and a muffin. By the time they were done my parents were headed home.  We went to their house on the way home to show them our new car.   Dad drove us around the block in it. When we got home Daddy took the boys for a ride in the new car.  I made handles for my soup bowls.  Then we played some minecraft.  

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