

Wednesday, January 26, 2022


Making his chocolate milk

 It was a very cold morning.  The van said it was -7 degrees.  Adam started school online at 7:40.  During his lunch break we played several games of sequence.  He played some minecraft too when he got a break from class.  I threw small mugs on the wheel.  Adam and I played some more sequence until I had to leave to get Jacob and Eli.  Eli and I went out to the barn to take care of the animals.  We opened Bo's paddock to the big paddock.  Eli took him in the big stall in from the paddock and we fed him some hay in there.  The sheep are in the barn right now because they should be lambing soon.  Bo liked seeing the sheep and neighed at them.  Eli and I played some sequence.  We laughed because Eli kept forgetting to draw a card so he didn't have many to choose from.  Jared and I played a game when he got home.  Jacob had alot of homework and ate dinner in his bedroom while he continued working.  He is working on writing an essay. We watched a Heartland.  The boys wanted to watch a Boba Fett but Jacob didn't want us to watch it without him.  We played some miencraft before bed. 

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