

Saturday, January 15, 2022


 I rode with Jared in the new car to get our Sat goodies.  We drove by our old house.  A buck ran out in front of the car as we drove down Stark rd.  The boys were up watching tv.  We spent the day relaxing.  Played Minecraft with the boys.  Adam and I played some more monopoly.  I have alot of money but Adam had alot more money.  I went outside to check on the animal and noticed that Bo's hay box was tipped on its side and a ways from its normal spot.  As I got closer I saw it was broken.  Then I noticed the electric fence was down and Bo's back legs were bleeding.  Not sure what happened but it wasn't good for Bo or his hay box.  The box was very strong and its broken beyond repair.  We won't use a wood box for him again.  Adam got the broken box out and Eli helped me take care of Bo's wounds.  Jacob drove the new car today.  He and Daddy went to the shop to drop of some pottery pieces and they stopped at the store for milk.  They also went to TSC to get some medicine for Bo's legs.  I'm just glad he didn't brake a leg.  

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