

Monday, November 6, 2017


Jacob lost a tooth!
After dropping the boys off at school I parked and worked on knitting a hat until it was time to go into work.  Vikki called and I talked to her while I knitted.  After work I went home and worked on packing deck furniture for winter. Our glider cushion had a large rip so I sewed that.  I drained the outdoor hoses and put them away in the barn.  The boys came home and Adam helped Eli with his spelling.  After Eli finished his math he and Adam played minecraft on the computer. Jacob and Adam practiced their instruments and Eli read to me.  Then Jacob played Tanki.  Adam and Eli played on the deck and then took a bath.  Jared came home and we got the heaters in the sheep tanks and Jared replaced an outlet that wasn’t working.  After dinner Jared and I made some pour overs on the wheel. We also made a couple mugs. 

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Wow....he lost one of his big teeth it looks like. The kittens are sure growing. Feels good when everything is put away for the winter. Feels even better when we can get it out again!