

Saturday, November 11, 2017


 Jared finished spinning Blanch's wool and started plying it this evening. 

Eating hard boiled eggs.  Eli taught Lane how to crack it on his head

Adam wanted to show us some new things he's learn on his trombone. 

Today our niece Mykenzie turns 20!  Happy Birthday Kenzie!!!

The boys were watching Andy Griffith when we woke up this morning.  Daddy and Adam went town to get goodies and also stopped at the grain elevator for chicken food.  Adam and Eli built a fort on the deck.  After lunch Nik came over for a few hours.  He and Adam played a game of chess.  Then we taught Nik how to play Speed(a card game).  The boys spent about an hour playing at the table with silly putty.  Lane came over and the kids played hide and seek outside.  They the kids came inside to warm up with hot chocolate.  Nik went home and the boys played with the fort builder sets.  Then Lane and Eli played Lego Star wars on the Wii for a little while. Jared and Eli took Lane home around 5:30.  Jacob and I played a game of 3-13 and he beat me by 1 point.  Then Adam and I played and I won buy a few points.  After dinner we all played 3-13.

1 comment:

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

Great family times. Love hearing about the fund things you do as a family.