

Saturday, November 18, 2017


Playing tonk

Papa is finishing Eli's 3-13 game with Jacob


Adam and Jacob started playing a game of 3-13 with us but with all the people and lots of talking they didn't last for the entire game.  

Playing war

Chuck and Sue are helping Melissa. 

Yummy pie!

Adam asked Max to bring his trombone.  They played Hot cross buns and Jingle bells for us.

Being silly

Adam went with Jared this morning to get our Saturday morning goodies.  He loves giving Daddy direction to get home.  It takes a little longer but they always make it home.  I made a few batts to fill my basket with roving for spinning.  Jared finished spinning more of Blanch’s wool and has started plying it.  At around 10:30 we headed to my parents house to celebrate Thanksgiving.  We were the first to arrive.  I started knitting a mitten and Jacob and Eli played a game of tonk. Then they played 3-13.  We visited until it was time to start getting ready to eat.   Jared went outside to clean the gutters and Adam went out with him.  Papa took over for Eli in 3-13 so Eli could go play with Jack. Chuck and Sue arrived followed by Vikki and her family.  We ate around 2:30 and the food was all so yummy!  Thank you Mom!!!  It started snowing outside and the kids went out to play.  They were very excited about the snow.  They also had fun playing games and legos in the basement. We played card games and enjoyed visiting.  For desert we had chocolate and apple pies and ice cream.   After everyone had left Mom and I did some knitting.  Mocha jumped up in the chair with me.  Adam said this was the funnest time ever!  He loved stayed even after everyone else had left and says next year he want to do the same thing.

1 comment:

Grandma R said...

Adam's comments about family time are wonderful. His thinking is really perceptive. See you soon Adam...It's pie time. Yahoo.