

Monday, November 20, 2017


Eli had learned how to blow bubbles with his gum

I finished plying my yarn this morning. The van windows needed to be scrapped this morning and Jacob had them all done when I got out to the van.  Mom called after I got out of work to say she was heading to my house with my shoes.  Sue has the same shoes and had accidently taken mine on Thanksgiving.  I told Mom that I had Sue’s shoes with me and would meet her at Tim Horton’s.  We went in for coffee’s and muffin and had a nice visit.  Then we went to Salvation army and we both found a few things.  Mom took me back to my van and I headed to the school to get the boys.  After getting Jacob and Adam I went to get Eli.  Mr Blades (and Eli) forgot that he was parent pick up so he was getting on the bus.  When I went to find him he was walking to find me in the crowd of people and he was crying.  On our walk to the van Mr Blades told Eli that he could have just come home with him to clean toilets and kitty litter boxes.  From the school we headed to the library for books and dvd’s.  Then we went to walmart for a couple things.  Jared got home just after we did.  This evening I worked on packing.  We watched Andy Griffith while eating dinner.  Jared and I filled up the ram and ewe's hay feeders with a lot of hay.  We also filled the water tanks and plugged in the heaters.  


Lrussell said...

And you are ready for Georgia.

Mom/Nana Schaard said...

My poor he was happy to see you in the crowd. Love the bubble blowing picture of him and the pictures of Jacob and Adam. Have fun in Georgia. I will be missing you.