

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Eli's goalie

Last soccer game, burr!

Warming up with hot chocolate and mustache cookies

The boys were watching Andy Griffith when we woke up this morning.  Jared and Adam went into town to get our Saturday goodies.  Jared and I trimmed some pots and made handles.  It was a rainy day.  The boys built a blanket/tarp fort on the deck and ate lunch in it. After lunch we went to town for Eli's last soccer game.  He was goalie for the first half and did great!  It was 43 degrees and rained the whole game.  At home Jared finished putting on his mug handles.  The boys played tanki on the computer.  Eli and Adam were doing some experiments in the kitchen sink.  They were taking water temperatures and melting marshmallows and ice.  They were also floating playdoh.  Jared and I went to Kohl's because Jared needed some new jeans.  The boys watched Andy Griffith and made popcorn while we were gone.

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