

Monday, January 30, 2012

Not feeling so well

Jared had an 11:45 dentist appointment today and came home after that. His ears are really bothering him (we both have colds). Eli still isn't feeling well and he layed on the couch much of the morning and we watched Blues Clues. We got some snow this morning and Eli ate some. Eli hasn't been eating well but did eat some of his sandwich and some yogurt for lunch. Adam was surprised to see Daddy come home early and asked, "Where's Jacob?" He's not used to seeing Daddy before Jacob. We picked Jacob up a few minutes early from school so we could make it to his Dentist appointment on time. He was very nervous about this appointment, remembering how they strapped him down for his dental work at the pediatric dentist. He asked the hygenist if I could come back with him and she reluctantly agreed. She started off with x-rays and he complained that his belly hurt. He said he was afraid he was going to choke. He was crying and wouldn't open his mouth so she warned him that I was going to have to leave the room. She did have me go out to the waiting room then. I didn't hear anymore crying from him and he was happy when they came out. He even gave her a hug goodbye. Eli and Adam had a great time playing in the kids area while we waited. Adam was doing puppet shows for us behind the chairs. Eli did a puppet show too. From there we headed to the mall for Jacob's picture appointment. He did great for those. We went to Burger King for dinner. Jacob ate a cheeseburger with ketchup and mustard on it and loved it. I was really surprised to see him eat that. Usually we special order grilled cheese. We also had ice cream cones. The boys had fun playing in the play area. Daddy helped Eli up to the top and he was so happy up there. He would point by him and say to me, "Mere (Come here)." 

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