

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Our ewes
Boys making a snow nest for the chickens
sled ride back to the coop

Daddy took these pictures of the boys while I was giving Eli his bath
Then he set the self timer for these with Eli
Jacob reading to Eli
Jacob had off school yesterday and the boys stayed with Nana while I went shopping. After work Jared met us (Nana and Papa too) at Sports Zone to see the bird museum which was very neat to see. In the evening we went to Vikki's house. I forgot my camera - bummer. On Saturday morning Adam was in our bed when I woke up. He’s so quiet I didn’t even hear him come in. I got up around 6:00 to do my am exercises. Eli was waving at the “ATM lady” this morning. After getting our drinks and donuts we went to Salvation army. We got home around lunchtime. After lunch Jacob and Adam walked over to Nik’s house to see if he could come over to play but he wasn’t home. I tucked Eli in for a nap. The boys got out the lego to play with. We went outside to burn the brush piles in our paddocks but couldn’t get them lit. Nik and Megan came over. Megan let her dog in with the sheep so Jared asked her to take it home. We let the chickens out of the coop for their first time outside. The boys made a nest for them in the snow. Jacob, Adam, and Nik had a good time playing on the ice. Eli woke up from his nap around 3:30. Jacob and Adam played with moon sand until dinnertime. The boys were picking up legos but they were distracted by AFV that was playing and Eli dumped their bucket twice.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Hailey sure loves reading your emails and was laughing when reading the one where told about the chickens in the sled. The pictures are great!