

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Who taught him how to button his shirt - haha
After taking the boys to school Eli and Iwent to Tim Hortons for coffee/donut. As we were about to leave I realize I’d locked my keys in the van. We waited there while Jared went home to get the spare keys for us. Of coarse then every time I call him today he asked, “Did you lock your keys in the van?” We went to Salvation army before heading to the library for Toddler time. We sang and listended to music and read a story. Today they had a guest for Kindermusik and she had several different instruments (bells, strumming sticks, egg shakers...) for the kids to use. Eli liked getting and putting back his instruments.There were a lot of kids today. Eli played with trains for a little while after. Then we rode the elvator up to the main floor and Eli pushed the buttons. As we walked to the van he held my hand and walked on the curb.  Adam said his job today was the Day’s of the week helper. At rescess he said he played monster with Zachary, Gage, and TJ. He also said that Molly and Jenna weren’t there today. After lunch and tucking Eli in for his nap I did some Wii boxing. Adam stood by me and did some boxing too. When Jacob got home from school we watched Benji which was one of my favorite movies we watched when I was younger (my Grandma had it taped for us and we watched it there). My Mom made us veggie soup and sent it home with Jared – Thanks you Mom! This evening we played hide and seek in the dark. Eli likes to help count. He also says I love you when asked to say it. Jared finished knitting my second slipper!

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