

Saturday, January 28, 2012


I got up this morning around 5am to do my morning exercises. At 7:00 I woke Adam because he and I had to be at the dentist at 8:00. Jared and Jacob stayed home from work/school today because they still weren’t feeling well. Eli had bad diarrhea today and also puked this morning. Adam wanted me to get my teeth cleaned first. He liked watching the birds and squirrels out the window. When it was Adam's turn he was little nervous and asked me to sit right next to him. He did great for his cleaning and loved how the chair that went up/down. The hygentist said his teeth look great. After he was finished she let him pick out a toothbrush, sticker, and a pencil. Then she took his picture to hang on the wall and gave him the picture from his last visit. We then headed to the mall because Adam had an appointment for pictures. We were really early so we went up and down the escalator many times. Adam did great for his pictures. We rode the escalator a few more times before leaving. Adam ate a packed lunch in the van. We went to Coldstone for ice cream and Adam picked green ice cream with sprinkles. Then we headed to Kroger for groceries. Adam liked being my forklift and put things in the cart for me. While we were driving Adam said he had to go potty. We stopped at Burger King to use their bathroom. I let Adam run around in the play area for a little while. We then went to the Elevator for chicken grain and bird food. We also stopped at the library to drop off some books. Adam put them in the drop box for me. It sure was fun spending the day with Adam. We got home around 3:00. Eli was napping when we got there. Jacob was playing with legos at the desk. I put groceries away and cleaned out the refridgerator. Jared mentioned that Eli had looked blotchy. When he woke up we realized he had hives. Poor guy! After dinner Jared headed to Meijer for Benedryl. After Jacob and Adam were tucked in bed I gave Eli a cool bath. He didn't want to stay in for long though.

1 comment:

LR said...

Good grief...that's 4 down and one to go. Humm...can't remember if Adam is also sick. I counted him as one of the 4. Mommy...don't get sick. Those hives are crazy.